We are soo blessed of the hospitality of facilities!!!We were doing our usual Turkey Program as Turkeys usually do at Thanksgiving time and Anette one of the cooks at Sunny Archers rushed in and wanted us make us at home!! She gave Tom a taste of what else!!! Nothing other than the Delicious Delectable Turkey she was making for hot Turkey Sandwiches the next day!! Tom wondered if it would be all right to eat this turkey since it could be a cousin and he will probably end up baked and set on a table just someday. But he thought," I am a prime Turkey Treat and I know this meat must be good," so in the spirit of being a good sport, loving good food, and the blessing of being thankful for Thanksgiving and living in the USA he tasted the Turkey and it was good. Tom the Turkey also added "After all if it wasn't for us turkeys what would Christopher Columbus have eaten! Pumpkins??" For that answer check out Tom's Thanksgiving and Turkey Trivia.
According to the Butterball corporation, they recommend that you thaw an unwrapped turkey in the refrigerator how long per 4 pounds of bird?
One hour per 4 lbs. 8 Hours per 4 lbs.
One day per 4 lbs.
Butterball says the best place to put the meat thermometer in the turkey is : Breast Thigh Top of leg (At an angle so it hits both the meat and stuffing)
Thanksgiving is celebrated only in the United States. True or False? (Canada too)
In Canada, they celebrate Thanksgiving in what month?
November October September
(the second Monday in October)
The first department store to hold a Thanksgiving parade was:
Montgomery Wards Macy’s
Gimbels 1920 Philadelphia
What is the name of the famous rock credited to where the pilgrims first landed? Plymouth Rock, The Rock of Gibraltar
Butterball says that once the turkey is done, you should let it stand for 15 minutes before serving because:
So you don’t burn your tongue
It’s easier to carve
To let the aroma go through the house
To let the stuffing cool a bit before you take it out.
The Indians who were invited to the Thanksgiving feast were of the Wampanoag tribe. Who was their chief?
Massasoit Samoset Squanto
What was the name of the ship the pilgrims came over on?
The Mayflower The Love Boat
Who was the captain of the ship?
Christopher Jones Miles Standish
Thanksgiving became a national holiday thanks to this woman who was an editor of a woman’s magazine:
Sarah Hale Sarah Bradford
Which President was the first to declare Thanksgiving a national day to be held the 4th Thursday in November?
Abraham Lincoln Franklin D. Roosevelt Thomas Jefferson
The word turkey is said to come from the Hebrew word “Tukki” which means:
Big Bird Tom The Turkey Temperamental Bird Wild Bird
In what year did the first Macy’s Thanksgiving parade take place?
1894 1904 1924
And last but not least----
Pumpkins were probably served at what famous meal?
The Last Supper The first thanksgiving half-time at Super Bowl XXX
Tom Concludes by saying: "The next Turkey you eat I hope it is not me, if it is me, I will be the one with glasses on."
A special prayer for you---God Bless You as you eat your Turkey Meat. Better yet, Why not have chicken for your thanksgiving treat!!!!!
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