Monday, February 18, 2008

Raymond our Prince Charming and The True Prince of Peace Jesus free valentine to you

The saying is you have to kiss a lot of frogs before you get the right Prince Charming. Well, here is a picture of my Prince Charming and all the folks at the Nursing Home facilities we sing at Prince Charming. Raymond is such a wonderful, loving, thoughtful man and a wonderful sport for the cause of loving folks to bring them joy laughter and smiles. But most of all help to bring them get close and fall in love with the Real Prince, The Prince of Peace, Jesus Christ our Savior and Lord. Here is a Valentine PROMISE that will last forever and ever and ever it is a free gift from The Father. John 3:16 For God so loved the world (that is you!!) that He gave His One and Only Begotten Son that whosoever ( you ) shall believe in Him shall be saved and not perish. It is signed Love, God. (Your Forgiving and Most Wonderful Father of all) We love what we do, we love to make folks laugh and love them when they cry but what a honor and privilege it is to tell them about our Lord Jesus Christ’s love for them and His forever PROMISE!!!! God Bless you all as you share the Wonderful Promise We Have!!!

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