Thursday, December 13, 2007
Huron County Nature Center Candlelight Walk
Thursday, November 8, 2007
What in the world is Tom The Turkey Eating??????
One hour per 4 lbs. 8 Hours per 4 lbs.
One day per 4 lbs.
Thanksgiving is celebrated only in the United States. True or False? (Canada too)
In Canada, they celebrate Thanksgiving in what month?
November October September
(the second Monday in October)
Montgomery Wards Macy’s
Gimbels 1920 Philadelphia
What is the name of the famous rock credited to where the pilgrims first landed? Plymouth Rock, The Rock of Gibraltar
Butterball says that once the turkey is done, you should let it stand for 15 minutes before serving because:
So you don’t burn your tongue
It’s easier to carve
To let the aroma go through the house
To let the stuffing cool a bit before you take it out.
Massasoit Samoset Squanto
The Mayflower The Love Boat
Who was the captain of the ship?
Christopher Jones Miles Standish
Sarah Hale Sarah Bradford
Which President was the first to declare Thanksgiving a national day to be held the 4th Thursday in November?
Abraham Lincoln Franklin D. Roosevelt Thomas Jefferson
Big Bird Tom The Turkey Temperamental Bird Wild Bird
1894 1904 1924
The Last Supper The first thanksgiving half-time at Super Bowl XXX
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Ya Gotta Make Em Laugh

Saturday, October 20, 2007
Hunting Program and Having Lots Of Laughs At The Scheurer Hospital October Fest!!!
1. If you are deer hunting on a flood plain and the woods are flooded, the best place to find your buck is on dry ground, because deer don't like to go into water. True or False
2. Question:
A hunter can tell a buck's track from a doe's track because the buck's track will be wider than the doe's track.
True False
The only way to tell a buck's track from a doe's track is if you spot the deer standing in the track. A large buck walking on hard ground may only leave a small track, while a doe running in soft mud may leave behind a wide track down to the dew claws.
Monday, September 17, 2007
Say No To White Chili ??
Thursday, September 13, 2007
Our Friend Mae
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
Karen's Place Concert 2007
Tuesday, August 7, 2007
What To Do On A Rainy Day
Who Is this strange looking woman with the purple hat on?? It is Raymona Raymond's sister!!! (Such a likeness!!! She needs a shave) It is finally raining today and we thought we'd show you something fun to do on a rainy day!!! Have a tea party!!! Looks fun doesn't it!!! Here is some trivia to go along with your tea party.
If serving tea at a tea party or high tea, lemons should always be in wedges, not in slices. True False
2. What should you never add to tea that has lemon in it?
a. sugar b. cold water c. milk
3. What is a tea slop basin?
A plate for your tea spoon and lemon rinds
A dish designed for used tea leaves
A dish from which you spoon out fresh tea leaves
4. Why is it more appropriate to say you "drink tea" instead of you "take tea"?
In Victorian times, the only people who said "take tea" were the lower classes
"Drink tea" is considered more specific and therefore a better use of manners
To "take tea" implies lack of manners
In old England, to "take tea" literally meant to steal tea
5. The spout of the tea pot and tea kettle should face where?
Toward the guest of honor at tea
Toward the host
Away from the host and guests, if possible
6. If you are at a formal tea party, it is proper to keep your gloves on while drinking tea. True False
A fun story-When Raymond and I first got married we had a tea party, in the rain.(I told you it is something fun to do in the rain!!) Raymond made garbage bags into little rain coats and took a little table out in our front yard and a little china tea set that I had since I was a little girl (a long time ago!!!) and we had a tea party with the rain that was falling into our tea cups!!!! I NEVER HAVE A DULL MOMENT WITH MY WONDERFUL HUSBAND!!!!! Have a great day, enjoy the rain and the tea. My favorite tea is Spiced Chai Tea, with a little honey!! God Bless!
Thursday, August 2, 2007
A Maze Of Dreams
Sunday, July 1, 2007
Great Great Grand Bumpa goes to Soccer Camp
Friday, June 8, 2007
Great Great Grand Bumpa
It's Back UGH say's Susan
Wednesday, April 4, 2007
This article appeared in the July edition of the Lakeshore Guardian. 2006
The BIG Shave.
The next "Big Shave" will take place on April 23rd at 2:30P.M. at Courtney Manor in Bad Axe. Raymond: "I've had this beard for a little more than a month and the thrill is gone." Susan: "So will the beard on the 23rd." Susan: Another interesting thought, Raymond's Mother and Father will be here, I would love it if they would go with us to Coutney Manor and they could help shave Raymond!! Grief that Raymond may have caused his parents could be taken care of in a slip of the wrist or a slip the razor and a mohawk could be in order for my adorable husband. :<) (This wouldn't be the first time Raymond's Father gave him a mohawk)
Two years ago Raymond had the bright idea of growing a beard.
After a couple of months of scratching, we decided to shave it off during a performance.
Here is Susan shaving Raymond at the Huron Medical Care Facility.
"We shaved off sections of the beard every three or four songs.
Monday, April 2, 2007
We are Raymond and Susan Bugg, and live in Harbor Beach, Michigan.
Our ministry is to serve the Lord through song and humor in a variety of settings. We sing most of time in nursing home facilities. We perform at no cost to these facilities as we believe God has blessed us with the time, talent and resources to enable us to sing in these places. We hope that this web log will enable communication with other musicians and entertainers who share similar interests and create networks of volunteer performers on a large scale. God bless you. Raymond and Susan Bugg
"Sing and make music in your heart to the Lord, always giving thanks to God the Father for everything." Ephesians 5:19