Raymond sings to True Irish Woman "When Irish Eyes Are Smiling"
"Happy St. Patricks Day!!!! Here we are at Lakeview Extended Care & Rehab Facility, What a nice party the residents had!!!!! Everyone was ready to sing Irish Music!!!! Of coarse you couldn't have Irish music without a Lepricoln!!! Meet Raymond the Lepricoln!!! His costume was hot off the presses of my sewing machine!! We sing here every 2nd and 4th Tuesday of each month we join our friend Richard Roberts at this facility to have a whoppin' good time!!! What do you think of my costume and Raymonds? A friend had said to me joking, "You let your husband out of the house like that??" I am sooo blessed to have a husband that goes all out for the cause!!! The ladies noticed Raymond had nice legs! On that thought of Blessed with nice legs I would like to end with some Irish Blessings.
An Irish Blessing
Grant me a sense of humor, Lord, the saving grace to see a joke, To win some happiness from life, And pass it on to other folks.
An Irish Blessing
A BLESSING FOR YOU AND YOURS May the grace of God’s protection And His great love abide Within your home-within the hearts Of all who dwell inside.
An Irish Blessing
May the best day of your past Be the worst day of your future.
An Irish Blessing
May this home and all therein be blessed with God’s love
Christ be with me, Christ be within me, Christ behind me, Christ before me, Christ beside me, Christ to win me, Christ to comfort me, Christ above me, Christ in quiet, Christ in danger Christ in hearts of all that love me Christ in mouth of friend and stranger. FROM THE BREASTPLATE OF SAINT PATRICK

Here is the best kind of Blessing that is straight form The Word Of God For You!!
May the Lord make your love increase and overflow for one each other and for everyone else, just as ours does for you. 1 Thessalonians 3:12
God Bless You !!!! Irish Couple? >

Some of the gang!!!
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