Sunday, July 20, 2008
Happy Anniversary July 12,2008

Port Austin Farmers Market Kids Day

Spring Event -Embracing Our Earth IV -Part 2

Spring Event: Embracing Our Earth IV --Part 1

Sunday, April 27, 2008
Chicklett Hamburger Head Holstein
Well here I am with Hector The Holstein and Dave The Hamburger Head!!! What!!!!! This Is Dave The Administrator of Autumnwood promoting to eat Hamburger right in front of Hector The Holstein!!!! Poor Hector how sad he must be to be standing there with Dave The Hamburger Head!!!! (Actually I put it on Dave's head to Bugg Hector !!What a good sport!!!) Hector and I did a Children's Nutrition Program at Harbor Beach Community School. A long time friend of Hector, Shelly Boehmer had asked Hector and I to preform this program but the nerve of them they had chicken roll up sandwiches to eat!!! Hector kept on telling everyone to eat them too!!! That could of been a cousin!!! That really Bugged me!!! Speaking of Bugging here are some trivia questions on Health and Nutrition lets see how much you knew. God Bless you and stay away from those chicken drumetts hamburgers are better!!! Signed Peppie The Chicklette
Which of the following nutrients is needed as the main structural component of the body? Carbohydrates Protein Fat
Which of the following nutrients
is known as the sunshine vitamin?
Vitamin C Vitamin A Vitamin D Hector and I thought it was C
All of the following are needed
for strong bones except:
Vitamin A Calcium Magnesium
Which of these nutrients is the
preferred energy source for the body?
Carbohydrates B Complex Vitamins
Vitamin K Vitamin C Fluoride
Which of the following is the best source for Omega 3 oils?
Wheat products Pork Sardines
This mineral is essential for healthy red blood cells & a deficiency causes anemia.
Iron Magnesium Iodine
This vitamin is needed to prevent a birth defect called Spina Bifida
Vitamin D Vitamin A Folic Acid
This nutrient is needed for healthy thyroid function:
Iodine Fluoride Chromium
Hope You enjoyed The quiz!! God Bless!!!
Monday, March 24, 2008
Autumwood Banjo Début
Well, with Great Gratitude and Thanks I would like to Thank our Dear friend and Resident at Autumnwood Hospital Harold L. Smith for his prayers and encouragement to play banjo. Since we have been singing at Autumwood he and I struck up a great friendship. Harold told me “I played anything with strings on it.” Including banjo. He told me how he was a Nazarene Pastor and later in life how he and his wife had a “Nursing Home” Ministry. He told me you need to get going on that banjo and play it because it will add to your and Raymond’s Ministry!!” Then he said “I and my wife are going to get busy and pray.” Wow!!! And I believe they have!!! I can’t tell you it is like The Lord has given me a wild fire to play!!! I hear banjo music in my head as I am walking around just doing my daily chores at home!!!! I have been soooo blessed!!! Prayer has worked for my banjo playing!!! Harold and his wife Orpha got the ball just a movin’!! Before that for 4 years I have been a banjo wanna be trying and very discouraged now I have new hope, life and new music!!!! You know most people relate banjo music with "that's too twangie of music" but I truly believe The Lord is going to help me to make it lovely for Him!!!! Another Harold L. Smith Thank You--- Harold had his son Davis E. Smith, bring us 2 of the pieces of music he wrote to honor The Lord. One is named “The Other Side” (1984 D.E. Smith Publications Copyright) it was arranged by his son David.The other Harold wrote was named “Thanks” (Copyright D.E. Smith Publications U.S.A.)also arranged by his son David E. Smith. What a honor and joy it will be when we learn these songs and sing them and tell the story about Harold and Orpha’s prayers for me to play the banjo as I am playing Harold’s Wonderful Written songs on the banjo!!!! NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE FOR GOD!!! (Which it seemed impossible for me to play the banjo!!!) Thank You Harold and Orpha and all other’s that may have prayed for me to play banjo!!! With Much Love and appreciation, Susan L. Bugg and Raymond too!!!
One week later. Praise The Lord!!! I am soo happy I debuted my banjo when I did because now our dear brother and friend Harold L. Smith has gone home with The Lord. I am sooo happy to have met him !!! From his quick reaction to his wife "lets get busy and pray," he has inspired me to always be prepared to pray and encourage!!! Harold encouraged me even the last time I saw him here on this earth!!! I truly believe from all his friends and families stories of what a wonderful man he was he inspired many, many people to follow The Lords leading and be a light to the WORLD!!! What a honor and a privilege to know him!!!! God is soooo good!!!
Purple Is A Pretty Color Autumwood Deckerville Hospital
During the time Raymond was in his Leprechaun "Getup" he got lots of cute comments about his "nice legs". Well, this was the cutest!!! One of the Residents had said Raymond had "Nice Legs" to our sweet friend and she she said"Yes he does" to the Resident and all of sudden we saw her TURN RED BLUE AND PURPLE WITH A DEFINITE BLUSH since she said that. Our sweet friend ran back and forth at the back of the room almost trying to like HIDE her RED PURPLE COLOR BUT THERE WAS NO WAY SHE COULD EVER HIDE THAT PRETTY BLUSHING COLOR!!!!! We thought that she was adorable and what a nice complement for Raymond!!! He does have very nice legs!!! But some of the costume's he has to wear to show those legs, poor guy!!!Darling!!!!! Here is Raymond and our "Blushing Friend" at Autumnwood at Deckerville Hospital!!!
Thursday, March 13, 2008
St. Patricks day Fun At Harbor Beach Lakeview Extended Care & Rehab Facility
Volenteer Chuck and Friend>
Grant me a sense of humor, Lord, the saving grace to see a joke, To win some happiness from life, And pass it on to other folks.
A BLESSING FOR YOU AND YOURS May the grace of God’s protection And His great love abide Within your home-within the hearts Of all who dwell inside.
May the best day of your past Be the worst day of your future.
An Irish Blessing
May this home and all therein be blessed with God’s love
God Bless You !!!! Irish Couple? >
Monday, February 18, 2008
Valentines Day At Autumnwood at Deckerville Hospital
a. Chocolate Rollies b.Tootsie Rolls
c. Indian Babies
Covered with a sugar glaze, these small, yellow candies first taste sweet then tart then sweet, tart, etc. 5 for 1 cent.
a. fire balls b. Sweet Tarts
c.lemon drops
A five pack of a sugary sweet liquid sealed in wax bottles, complete with its own carrying case. 1 pack 5 cents. What were these novelties called?
a. Li'l Nips b. Lucky Nips c. Nik-L-Nips
Paper straws filled with sugar and tart flavorings like orange and lime. A penny a piece.
a. Pixy Sticks b. Pixie Dust
c.Flavor Straws
Individually wrapped, bright, day-glo red and layers of various colored cinnamon. 1 cent each.
a.Jawbreakers b. Atomic Fire Balls
c. Cinnamon Balls
Is there anyone who hasn't enjoyed a slab of Bazooka Bubble Gum? What were the colors that appeared on the wrapper? 1 cent each.
a. blue, white and red
b. red and white
c. yellow, pink and blue
Raymond our Prince Charming and The True Prince of Peace Jesus free valentine to you
Valentines and Birthday Fun at Sunny Acres
Thursday, January 24, 2008
The Reluctant Clown At Autumwood in Deckerville
Right In The Kisser Suprise Birthday Party
Fun With The New Wig and just plain fun
Email the Buggs
If you are a musician or a interested "friend" please sign our guestbook
Hello, Welcome to Everything Under the Son
We are a Christian couple and have been married for almost six years.(July 12th, 2003) Raymond was a special education teacher for ten years and had to take a disability retirement in 2000. Susan was working for hospice and at a Doctors Office and had Encephalitis that took her out of the workforce also.
Raymond: “My Pastor invited me to go with him to the Long Term Care Unit in Harbor Beach. He held a Bible study with the residents on Wednesdays, and asked if I would come and play and sing with him.” (He also plays guitar)
(Raymond) “I had never volunteered in a nursing home setting before. After the Bible study, I sat down with several residents and sang “campfire songs” with them. (She’ll Be Coming Round the Mountain, Yankee Doodle, etc.) I really felt drawn to them and scheduled myself to return again the next week.
After a while, I began to look for new music as the “campfire” program was beginning to get, well… boring. (To me that is) I had a friend, Richard Roberts, who played banjo, and invited him along on an occasion. Richard introduced me to a wealth of music from the early 20th century, 1900’s, ‘20s, ‘30s and ‘40s. We played together for about a year before Susan joined us.
Richard, Susan and I sing on a regular basis at two facilities in Harbor Beach. We perform at the Long Term Care Unit and Harbor House (an assisted living facility).
Susan prepares and arranges the music for the performances as well as the props and costumes.
Susan: “We have never looked at our performances as concerts, but rather events. Our intent is to bring joy to people and get them singing. We use a ‘sing-a-long’ format with trivia and stories to liven things up. Great Friends and "Mentors" Art and Rita Glaza who also sing in the “nursing home circuit” told us that, “You gotta make them laugh.” Their heart is to love people and make them have a great day and fun memories and make them laugh!!They are in their "Golden Years and Still, making folks laugh!!"
Several years ago Raymond, created sing-a-long books that we use during our programs. There are over two hundred songs. We sing hymns, patriotic songs, holiday music, children’s songs, songs of America and the world as well as campfire songs.
There is great debate as to who invited Susan to join us. Richard claims he was responsible bringing Susan and I together. However it happened, I’m grateful because Susan is now my wife.
“Sing and make music in your heart to the Lord, always giving thanks to God the Father for everything.” Ephesians 5:19
Susan and I felt that the Lord wanted us to reach out to a larger community with our sing along format. We sing at many different facilities and various events in the Huron County region. Although Richard does sing with us on occasion at some events, “Everything Under the Son” is just Susan and I.
We chose Ephesians 5:19 as a statement for our ministry. We pray that we bring merriment and the message of Jesus Christ though our programs. We decided that “Everything Under the Son” was an appropriate title for our duet, seeing how we will sing almost, everything under the sun, for the Son.
Susan and I have been performing together for about eight years, and six of those eight as “Everything Under the Son”.
About Me
- Raymond and Susan Bugg
- Our ministry is to serve the Lord through song and humor in a variety of settings. We sing most of time in nursing home facilities. We perform at no cost to these facilities as we believe God has blessed us with the time, talent and resources to enable us to sing in these places. We hope that this web log will enable communication with other musicians and entertainers who share similar interests and create networks of volunteer performers on a large scale. God bless you. Raymond and Susan Bugg "Sing and make music in your heart to the Lord always giving thanks to God the Father for everything." Ephesians 5:19